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Mother Infant Research Institute (MIRI)

We conduct research to improve maternal and child health from preconception through childhood. Our research supports healthier moms and babies.
Tomoko Kaneko-Tarui, MD, PhD working in the MIRI (Mother Infant Research Institute) lab.

MIRI's research focus

Our research focuses on the lifelong consequences of the intimate and unique biological relationship between mother and baby during pregnancy.

Medical research has already established that events that occur at critical stages of human development in the womb influence the later occurrence of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis and inflammatory disorders, such as asthma, in both childhood and adulthood.

The in-utero environment profoundly influences the developing fetus, altering its gene expression and, therefore, affecting lifelong health. Pregnancy is also a “stress test” for later health problems in the mother, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. 

Learn more about the research focus areas at MIRI.

Our mission

Aim to enhance the lifelong health of mothers and babies by building, growing and training a community of collaborative researchers with a multidisciplinary perspective. Our holistic view of patients, their families and communities uniquely positions us to reduce inequities and improve health outcomes across generations.

Our vision

We believe in a future where every parent can make informed decisions for their and their children's long-term health through advanced diagnostics and personalized treatments.

Our clinical trials

Our physicians, scientists and researchers are devoting their careers to improving the health of pregnant women and their babies. Working with our colleagues at Tufts University, we use "bench to bedside" research to advance knowledge and make new treatments available in less time.

We offer both large and targeted trials to patients. Our clinical trials usually fall into one of two categories:

  • Investigator-initiated clinical trials – researchers design research studies and apply to major federal institutions like the National Institutes of Health for funding to conduct the study.
  • Multi-center clinical trials – nationwide or international projects that hospitals and other groups around the world can join and enroll patients into.

If you are interested in participating in a clinical trial, our staff will assist you and your family every step of the way. We rigorously follow all federal regulations and requirements for conducting clinical trials. We also recruit patients and work directly with them and their families throughout the process.

Often, you or a family member may be unsure about deciding if you should enroll in a trial. We help you understand the options and give you all the information needed to make a well-informed decision about participation.

Once you've enrolled in a trial, our research teams are here with you and your family throughout the process. We're always here to answer any questions about the trial and help with coordinating appointments.

Clinical trials

Contact Info
Mother Infant Research Institute 
Tufts Medical Center
800 Washington, Box 394
Boston, MA 02111

Contact information

Mailing address

Tufts Medical Center 
Mother Infant Research Institute
800 Washington St. 
Box 394 
Boston, MA 02111 
Tel: 617.636.1468

Office location

The Mother Infant Research Institute is located in the Tupper Research building, 9th floor, 15 Kneeland St., Boston, MA. The building is locked and accessible from the street only with a Tufts Medical Center identification badge.

For visitors with scheduled appointments, please call 617.636.1468 prior to arriving and a member of our staff will meet you at the entrance.

Investigator contact information

Perrie O’Tierney-Ginn, PhD 
Executive Director, Mother Infant Research Institute
Research Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Tufts University School of Medicine
Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy

Michael House, MD 
Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tufts University School of Medicine 
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist, Tufts Medical Center 

Sebastian Ramos, MD
Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tufts University School of Medicine
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist, Tufts Medical Center

Elizabeth Yen, MD 
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Tufts University School of Medicine 
Neonatologist, Tufts Medical Center 

Pregnant woman with fruits and vegetables

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