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Nephrology Fellowship Training Program – Clinical Track

The 2-year Clinical Track is designed to orient fellows towards careers in clinical nephrology. Drawing on the strengths of Tufts Medical Center as both a quaternary-care referral center and a community resource, fellows are exposed to the spectrum of nephrology consultations including acute kidney injury, electrolyte and acid/base disorders, chronic kidney disease, and dialysis.

Nephrology clinical track

Active and robust kidney, bone marrow, liver, and heart transplant programs provide fellows the opportunity to care for a variety of issues associated with the transplantation process and chronic immunosuppression. Continuity activities span all stages of chronic kidney disease, including outpatient hemodialysis, home hemodialysis, and peritoneal dialysis, providing a unique and comprehensive experience in clinical nephrology.

At the conclusion of their first year, fellows select an area in which to focus their study. Three-to-six months is then devoted during their second year to develop expertise in this area through faculty mentorship, individually-developed rotations, and quality improvement and research activities. Some of the many pathways can be found here.

Clinical experiences – 1st year

Ten months of inpatient rotations
  • Exposure to a wide range of acute and chronic kidney diseases
  • A care team consisting of an attending, a fellow, internal medicine residents, and 4th year medical students
  • 5-15 patients per fellow
Two months on the Float/Education block
  • Fellows have dedicated time for reading, learning, preparing teaching sessions, and developing conferences
  • By covering other fellows who are out on vacation or with illness, fellows on inpatient rotations are not asked to cover expanded services
Two ½-day nephrology continuity clinics per week
  • Develop a cohort of patients with various kidney disease that is managed for the duration of your training
  • See the course of kidney diseases over extended time
  • Hands-on teaching with 1-to-1 engagement with attendings.
A monthly home dialysis continuity clinic
  • Manage a group of peritoneal dialysis and home hemodialysis patients over the course of a year
  • Multidisciplinary clinics with an attending, a dialysis nurse, social workers, pharmacist , and dietician

Clinical experiences – 2nd year

Six-to-eight months of inpatient rotations
  • Leading the service as a junior attending
  • Emphasis on challenging, unique, and rare cases
Four-to-six months of Nephrology Focused Pathway
  • Rotations focused on unique career interests
  • One-on-one mentorship for career guidance
  • Exclusive curriculum based on your interest and needs
  • Protected time for attendance at national conferences within pathway
Two months on the Float/Education block
  • Dedicated time for board preparation, teaching medical students and internal medicine residents, and preparing manuscripts, presentations, posters, and abstracts
  • Covering other fellows who are out on vacation or with illness
A yearlong continuity experience in chronic hemodialysis
  • Manage an on-site shift of 25 chronic hemodialysis patients
  • Weekly rounding with an attending
  • Monthly lab review with interdisciplinary rounds
One ½-day nephrology continuity clinic per week
  • Develop a cohort of patients with various kidney disease that is managed for the duration of your training
  • See the course of kidney diseases over extended time
  • Hands-on teaching with 1-to-1 engagement with attendings.
A monthly home dialysis continuity clinic
  • Manage a group of peritoneal dialysis and home hemodialysis patients over the course of a year
  • Multidisciplinary clinics with an attending, a dialysis nurse, social workers, pharmacist , and dietician
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