We provide essential home health and hospice care in all the places patients call home. Together, our agencies form a comprehensive continuum of the highest quality home health and hospice care for infants, children, adults, and elders, in both home and community settings. Our highly skilled home care and hospice professionals are renowned for their expertise in a wide range of cutting-edge clinical and supportive services.

Care at Home
847 Rogers Street, Suite 201, Lowell, MA 01852
Leading the way with innovation, service excellence and compassionate care

Home care
Home care offers comprehensive medical and supportive services designed to maximize health, independence, and quality of life. Our professional staff has advanced clinical skills and, along with the use of state-of-the-art technology, can offer patients the most innovate home healthcare services available. Certified home health aides services are also offered, as necessary, to provide personal care assistance.

Hospice care
Whether patients are at home, in a hospital, a long-term care facility, an assisted living facility, or at High Pointe House, our expert staff offer physical, spiritual and emotional care specific to those nearing the end of life. Bereavement support and counseling are also offered to families and loved ones.
Hospice care is provided by a multi-disciplinary team consisting of board certified hospice and palliative care physicians and nurse practitioners, nurses, therapists, counselors, chaplains, hospice aides, and volunteers. Together, they provide the highest quality of care with compassion and commitment to patients and families.

Visiting nurse
Do you or someone you love need help at home to live safely and well?
Private duty services offer support to people with chronic or acute health conditions who need help in their own homes. Directed by a registered nurse, our staff includes nurses, certified home health aides and homemakers. They are appropriately licensed or certified and chosen carefully for their knowledge, skill, and compassion. Our clients, or their family members, pay for these services and decide on the number of hours and days of service.